Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My hair are retreating . and it seems am gonna have a bald .am losing hair daily but still as am you

Use Volumizing shampoo. Wash Hiar Daily keep folicles clean and uncloggged. Have a chick massage your scalp more often. Try avoid wearing hats. Exercise more often so hormones pour into muscles not hair canals.

My hair are retreating . and it seems am gonna have a bald .am losing hair daily but still as am young .help?

What is your age....? If baldness starts above 40, in general, it is related to higher levels of estrogen and lower levels of testosterone. In younger people a low thyroid or thyroid abnormalities are related to bald ness including stress. Be sure to do a home iodine test to be sufficient in iodine for thyroid health see source. So to tell you more we need to know more, how old you are, if you do marihuana鈥f you eat healthy etc.

Always useful is to do EFT. See source.

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