Friday, November 13, 2009

My cat is losing his hair??

My cat is losing his hair all over his body, but just in certain spots. The vet says that it is overgrooming, and I believe that, because he does lick himself a lot and they are all spots he usually licks, plus they are about the size of a good lick. So my question is: Does anyone know of any kind of remedy to make him stop? I'm only asking because it's winter, and while he's an indoor cat, he goes outside sometimes, and I dont want him to freeze. Plus, I dont think he would be happy bald, and I dont want a bald cat.

Any help you have would be great.

My cat is losing his hair??

Usually there is some tricks. I have this stuff we used to put on the christmas tree to keep our dogs from eating some of the food ornaments, and it works. It is harmless to their health but it helps them stop doing certain things. I'll give you it sometime. You can probably just spray a coat on his fur and it should help.

My cat is losing his hair??

If he isn't ocd then he may have itchy dry skin.Try some real butter in his diet or some cod liver oil.

My cat is losing his hair??

First of all I would keep him indoors at all times. He could be picking something up from the outside that's irritating his skin. We have a cat, Gordo, like yours. Try this: Science Diet Sensitive Skin Formula. Try it for a couple of months. Trust me, it works. At least for Gordo it has. He was an outside cat (we rescued him).

My cat is losing his hair??

It is summer my cat ha left a body of hair on the couch its what they do (malt).

My cat is losing his hair??

your cat is losing its hair because it probably has ringworm. its a fungus that causes the cat to lose his hair. so i suggest that you go to the vet and ask for the cream to put on your cat to stop the worm from spreading. Trust me my cat had it too.

My cat is losing his hair??

You should ask your vet what you can do to help with this behavior.

You can try pheromones - there's a product called feliway, it's just like a plug in and releases pheromones which help deter certain behaviors.

The vet may also suggest a medication called Amitriptyline or maybe even adding some fish oil/omega fatty 3 acids to your cats food.

Try getting your cat some new toys (cat tower, feather to chase, play balls/mice, etc.). Sometimes, getting the cats attention on something other than grooming can help.

If you recently moved, had a new member join the family or leave the family home, or any other changes that can be causing stress and anxiety, this could be a cause for the OCD.

But, you should talk with your vet further to get some suggestions from them.

BTW - an indoor cat has a healthier, longer life. That's something to consider.

My cat is losing his hair??

OK you could put a sweater on him and he would stop or you could talk to him and he might understand like i talk to my cat but try the sweater cause it would be a beter choice.

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