Friday, November 13, 2009

Hi am a 27 yr old and am losing hair. how can anyone help. The baldness is hereditory?

It might be worth a try....Get some really good B vitamins, including Folic Acid, Paba, and Biotin. Zinc is supposed to help, as well.

Other than that, don't worry...some girls find it attractive...

I think that what's really important, is the personality, and the guy inside!!!

Hi am a 27 yr old and am losing hair. how can anyone help. The baldness is hereditory?

in some cases yes, but baldness can be cure now and you can try having a hair implant

Hi am a 27 yr old and am losing hair. how can anyone help. The baldness is hereditory?


Hi am a 27 yr old and am losing hair. how can anyone help. The baldness is hereditory?

Yes baldness is hereditory, and can also happen when you have bad scalp - ie dry or weak hair...

have you tried acupunture, it seemed to have worked for a buddy of mine.

the best news is that bald guys are sexy to many don't be too bothered by this...workout more and any girl would love you for that...

Hi am a 27 yr old and am losing hair. how can anyone help. The baldness is hereditory?

Hair club for men immediately

Hi am a 27 yr old and am losing hair. how can anyone help. The baldness is hereditory?

i have heard massage olive oil in your scalp, call me crazy but it work

Hi am a 27 yr old and am losing hair. how can anyone help. The baldness is hereditory?

Hold a live chicken over your head as you run in a circle in your yard. yell "I am not going bald, i am not going bald" soon nice men in white coats will come to help you. it wont cure the baldness, but you may meet a pretty nurse.

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