Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Another question about guinea pigs losing hair...?

I put vitamins in her fresh water everyday so I dont know, she does have a spot on one of her hindquarters that was scabbed over but now it looks much better. It looks like she just has a bald spot on her hindquarter. It doesnt seem painful but it seems to be going away with no other spots showing up. I clean her 'spots' out of the cage everyday, i replace food and water everyday. She seems to be happy, she squeeks and such, which i have been told its good when they make noise like that and jump up like popcorn. I dont know what else could be wrong with her.

Another question about guinea pigs losing hair...?

Check out because they have a medical reference there that covers such topics as hair loss, mites, fungus, and more.

On top of that, to be on the safe side, I also suggest taking your cavy to the vet. Just for a check up, if nothing else. If you need to locate a vet, look for one that treats small animals or exotics. You can also use the vet finder on this site:

The informational website and a vet can also help you determine if you are keeping the cavy %26amp; cage as clean as it needs to be. A dirty cage can make a cavy ill fast!

Good luck %26amp; I hope she's feeling better soon!!

Another question about guinea pigs losing hair...?

Maybe your guinea pig is scratching one area so much that there are bald spots? Call a vet if it gets worse or stays like that for at least another week or two, just incase somemthing is wrong. Nothing is proobly wrong, concidering that she sounds happy. But just incase.GOod luck:)

Another question about guinea pigs losing hair...?

A spot cleaning everyday is good but you really should be doing a complete cleaning once a week. A thorough wipe down of the cage with animal friendly cleaner and if you use metal dishes consider sterilizing them in boiling water. I'm a neat freak when it comes to my guinea pig. I clean out Thomas's cage everyday. No spot cleans, just a complete cleaning. Of course I get a great deal on bedding so it's not that costly for me.

By the sounds of it she is happy. Jumping and the cute squeeks are good. Check out the link below. It's one of the first places I went to when I had questions about my Guinea Pig.

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