Wednesday, November 4, 2009

17...losing hair....what the hell?

So, since we've moved to arizona I've been experiencing a pretty flaky scalp (gross I know). I started using head and shoulders and it keeps it under control, but if I let up it comes back. I've also noticed that it seems like my hair line is receding. I used to have really thick hair and now its thinned out and lays down now. I wear a hat everyday and I've heard that this might cause you to lose hair. I also play football and have been wearing a helmet everyday for 3 months. We're thinking about going to a dermatologist to have it looked at. The inside of my hat gets hair in it too. There are no relatives on either side of my family that have problems with baldness, but I wonder if thats what it is. If it is, is it strange to see such a big loss in just the three months we've been here? What do you think? If I am going bald I'll probably just rock it and try to pick up some older chicks. haha.

17...losing hair....what the hell?

Dude, be thankful it lasted this long. Mine began its fond farewell at 14. Anyway, check in with your doctor for a physical as hairloss can be indicative of some circulation issues, not always just sometimes. Is your mother's father bald/have thin hair? I would check with that side of the family as this is something genetic that you get from your mother. Oh, the hell with it, join ranks with the rest of us and shave it off. Bald is where its at!

17...losing hair....what the hell?

Hair loss is frustrating and tough to treat. Head and shoulders or selsun blue is a good start. Also try stopping gels or hair sprays which could be irritating. If you have no specific bald patches or alopecia, there isn't much to do. Stress can cause you to lose more hair as well. Make sure your helmet is also not giving you a fungal infection of the scalp, which I have seen. A dermatogist should offer reassurance but probably not much treatment.

17...losing hair....what the hell?

take zinc .vit E and garlic.stop wearing hats and helmets.don't wash hair so frequently

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