Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My male jack russel terrier is losing hair constantly and sometimes walks on 3 legs??

hes 10 years old iv had him since he was 6 weeks him so much..his hair gets everywhere and brushing and bathing doesnt make a difference,i know they lose their old coat in the summer to get a new one but should'nt he be finished loosing hair at this stage..also for the past few days he walks with 3 legs holding his back leg up but other times hes running and jumping on all fours hes as energetic as ever?? any suggestions..thanks!

My male jack russel terrier is losing hair constantly and sometimes walks on 3 legs??

Thyroid issues are a common cause of hair loss in older dogs. You should take him to the vet for a checkup and have his thyroid levels checked. Arthritis is also common in older dogs. Your vet could check his hips and especially his knees too. Both these issues are easy to treat.

My male jack russel terrier is losing hair constantly and sometimes walks on 3 legs??

Buy a furminator. I have a JRT and had same problem,,,,furminator works great.

My male jack russel terrier is losing hair constantly and sometimes walks on 3 legs??

For the hair issue- get a shedding blade from the pet store. If you don't like that try a "Furminator" they are like $30 and I've heard they work really well (I've actually asked for one for Christmas for my 3 animals).

I have a JRT and she does the same thing but she hold up her front paw. I think as long as the dog is acting normal and doesn't seem to be in pain he is okay. If it starts to hurt him take him into the vets at once. Maybe he could have some arthritis, he is getting up in age.

My male jack russel terrier is losing hair constantly and sometimes walks on 3 legs??

For the coat I'd say he's just shedding late. Or he's getting old. Maybe you are bathing him too much. Twice a month is the recommended amount. I wouldn't worry about it too much but if you are take him to the vet.

As for the walking on three legs- Take him to the vet immediately for he may have a sprained or broken leg.

My male jack russel terrier is losing hair constantly and sometimes walks on 3 legs??

Check his pads to see if they are cracked, or if there is anything stuck between them.

My male jack russel terrier is losing hair constantly and sometimes walks on 3 legs??

I have a 4 yr old Jack Russel. She also sheds constantly, winter or summer. They're probably just one of those dogs that do that, like pugs. As for the running on three legs thing, mine does it to. It's sporadic and she'll go right back to running on all four with no problems, so I wouldn't worry about it. Just out of curiosity, it's my jack's back left all the time. E-mail me if you feel like it and let me know which foot yours is and if you find anymore out about it.

PS - You didn't specify wether he's losing hair from one spot or everywhere. Mine was chewing on her leg and got all the hair off and a bump the size of a quarter rose up. My vet said it was a lits granuloma or something and was just a behavioral problem. If it's from his butt, it may be hot spots. Good luck.

My male jack russel terrier is losing hair constantly and sometimes walks on 3 legs??

OK. He's losing hair. That could be a number of reasons.

But he's "walking on three legs" for "the past few days" and you haven't taken him to the vet yet?

What gives? Get your dog to the vet for both reasons.

My male jack russel terrier is losing hair constantly and sometimes walks on 3 legs??

Once in a while one of my dogs will step on a burr or something that sticks in their paws, and that's when they'll favor that particular paw and not step down on it. Just search his little paw for a sticker/burr.

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