Friday, November 13, 2009

My 3-year-old male cat just starting losing hair on his bottom, under his tail. Nothing else has cha

There is no excessive licking or biting, and no change in diet, etc. He seems healthy, and like himself.

My 3-year-old male cat just starting losing hair on his bottom, under his tail. Nothing else has changed.?

Cats are masters at hiding illness. It is a method of survival. I would see the vet. Just because you don't see the licking doesn't mean it isn't happening. I would make an appointment with the vet to check things out, or at the very least make a phone call.

Just because you didn't change the diet doesn't mean the company didn't. There have been several times where a company has changed the formula of food that I feed my cats. If you are feeding a low quality food with grains, those often change and there could be an allergy or any number of reasons causing the hair loss. Go see the vet. Yahoo answers is an awful source of info. There are no professionals here. Some cat owners, but a lot of people who think they know what they are saying but have never owned a cat in their life.

My 3-year-old male cat just starting losing hair on his bottom, under his tail. Nothing else has changed.?

I would call the vet, maybe they can give you some other reasons. My sisters cat had been bit by a bug outside one day and she didn't know and then he just started losing all of his hair because of it....All it took was an antibiotic pill to fix the problem and his hair started to grow back. But let me tell you, if you ever needed a laugh, you could just go to her house and look at her cat! It was the funniest thing I'd ever seen in my entire life!

My 3-year-old male cat just starting losing hair on his bottom, under his tail. Nothing else has changed.?

check for flees as thats one place they like

My 3-year-old male cat just starting losing hair on his bottom, under his tail. Nothing else has changed.?

It doesn't sound too serious but just to be safe, I would call your vet and relay the situation. They can give your worthwhile advice on what you should do.

My 3-year-old male cat just starting losing hair on his bottom, under his tail. Nothing else has changed.?

it sounds like he has a flea allergy. you described typical symptoms for that condition. you should take him to a vet or groomer(unless you can bathe him yourself)and have him dipped. then use whatever flea product you like and keep him flea free. the symptoms will then go away.

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