Monday, November 16, 2009

Why is my 6 year old mare losing her hair?

I know she is losing her winter coat, but she seems to be losing a lot of extra hair. It looks really thin in places. She is definately not stressed. If anything she is spoiled because we are getting her ready to breed. She is otherwise healthy. She has had sensitive skin in the past. She was a rescue.

Why is my 6 year old mare losing her hair?

Molasses! Try giving her a lttle every day for a while and see if that helps. Our horses love it and the doc says it helps with a myriad of problems for them. Our mare had these patches with no hair and we used the molasses and it grew back in real well very quickly.

Why is my 6 year old mare losing her hair?

I wouldn't worry too much. Horses with sensitive skin often have thin hair too, don't know why. If bald patches showing up, get a good look at her skin and see if it looks like anything is wrong. Otherwise, give her some molasses or oil (like a vegetable oil) in her feed - makes her coat very shiny and healthy.

Why is my 6 year old mare losing her hair?

Get a magnifying glass and look very closely at the roots of the mane hairs and anywhere the fur is thin to make sure she doesn't have lice or mites. At the end of one dry winter my sister's horses had coat loss first then they suddenly lost condition as well. If you find there are parasites on your horses, don't panic it's not hard to treat, the blankets and stuff will need spraying and you will be able to get all you need to treat it from a farm supplies store, which would be cheaper than a horse supply store.

Just get on and find out for sure what is causing it quickly, before your horse actually gets weakened by it.

Another thing that causes hair loss is ringworm, also easily treated with medication from a vet. If you are sure it isn't lice or mites, get a vet to look at the condition and play it safe.

Horses are a big animal but when they get something seriously wrong it can mean losing the horse if left untreated or worse mistreated for too long.

Be sure of the condition and don't dabble with treatments.

Cheers, Shona

Together we race across the field,

Pretending we are wild and free,

Easing our speed my equine friend yields,

He allows me to guide him and he sees,

How good homeward bound and a good rub down is,

A roll on his back, then a tepid drink, a good feed while brushed, then a warm rug just bliss.

Why is my 6 year old mare losing her hair?

cus she's old, if that advice right there didn't help then get a vet to check up on her!

Why is my 6 year old mare losing her hair?

A horse's outside condition is a good indicator of what is going on inside. If the hair loss seems to be excessive, you should have a vet come out and give her a look. Since you plan on breeding her, you should have the vet come out and look at her anyways. Since she was a rescue, something in her past may have triggered this condition. I know this isn't what you asked about, but just be sure you are being responsible about breeding your mare. There are so many unwanted horses in this country, make sure you have a future planned out for the resulting foal. Breeding for profit is irresponsible and is one of the reasons so many horses are slaughtered each year. If you really want to raise a foal, why don't you consider adopting a PMU foal or nurse mare foal? Every year thousands of foals go without homes due to the Premarin and nurse mare industries. I'm not saying you are one of the irresponsible breeders, or that you haven't thought about this, but I just like to point out a few good reasons why people shouldn't breed horses. The equine overpopulation problem is a sad, sad situation. Hopefully you will find out what's wrong with your mare before you decide to breed her.

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