Friday, November 13, 2009

HELP!!!!! iam losing all ma hair :(?

iam really into so much of depression lately...... iam losing so much of hair..... well beyond da 100 strands limit.....every time i comb, da hair jus doesn't jus completely falls frm da root......:( does somebody have the slightest idea as to what exactly is wrong and what i can do to save da little hair iam left with??

HELP!!!!! iam losing all ma hair :(?

Everyone loses between 40 %26amp; 120 strands a day, depending on how much hair you have, your age %26amp; your hair's growth cycle. People with fine hair tend to have more of it %26amp; therefore will lose more of it than their thicker-haired sisters %26amp; brothers. Your hair also thins as you get older, particularly after menopause for women, but the thinning will stop %26amp; not continue as it will for men.

You'll lose the most hair in the fall -- typically November and December when hair reaches maturity in its growth cycle.

Hair loss can occur through poor dieting, tight ponytails, even with age. iron deficiency may be the cause. Sometimes it happens as a result of illness. Even stress, excessive weight loss, iron deficiency %26amp; thyroid problems can cause hair loss.

If you're really worried, ask your doctor, however, experts say you really only need to worry if your part is getting wider or you can see your scalp through your hair. But don't worry, not all hair loss is permanent. There is a specialty doctor called a 'trichologist,' an expert in hair problems.

HELP!!!!! iam losing all ma hair :(?

If you are breastfeeding or you had a baby recently this is common. So, I found when I found this started happening to me.

HELP!!!!! iam losing all ma hair :(?

Mix gums with Shampoos you use. Add only little. This really works, just that your hair will look little bad your hair fall will less, i say nearly 70%.

Dont fear. If your hair falls nothing would happen. Its just that you will have less hair. But dont worry , thats doesnt matter much. If it matters much and try to find answes for it, you will be fooled by just like the answer I gave.

Trully, you look more lovely when you have less hair.......

HELP!!!!! iam losing all ma hair :(?

You need to see a could be low on iron or have a thyroid problem you are not aware of but this is a sign. Also, most women lose hair from mental stress. Topical solutions will not prevent hair loss.

HELP!!!!! iam losing all ma hair :(?

wer the same..

u just have to relax and don't think of anything negative.. too much falling hair is a cause of tension and stress..

HELP!!!!! iam losing all ma hair :(?

Hair loss can be caused by lots of reasons, I lose lots more than 100 hairs per day, when you have long hair it seems worse than it is. But I'm not worried as I'm not thinning and it's not coming out in clumps.

A Doctor is the only person qualified to make a diagnosis on this one, so go and see your Doctor and mention your depression too.

In the meantime you might find this article helpful...

HELP!!!!! iam losing all ma hair :(?

Im 27 and had this same issue. I went to the doctor with the hair from just 3 brushes and told him I think I have cancer. He laughed and said no you have STRESS and thats the #1 cause of hair falling out. I would have to brush my hair in the shower b4 getting out thats how bad mine was falling out

He put me on nerve pills "low dosse" and i stopped within 1 week

ta ta


HELP!!!!! iam losing all ma hair :(?

Remedies to Prevent Hair Loss

Reduce Hair Loss With A Thorough Head Massage

HELP!!!!! iam losing all ma hair :(?

My 22 year old friend is going through the same thing. You need to go to the doctor because she got some special shampoo that has been helping. good luck.

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