Monday, November 16, 2009

I have a german shorthair that licks on metal.and is losing hair on his ears. Is he missing some min

He is 3 yrs old and a male. Could it be an allergy?? Please help me. I donot have much money to take him into the vet.

I have a german shorthair that licks on metal.and is losing hair on his ears. Is he missing some mineral??

supply D vitamin and make him eat tuna and fish oil.

Get some vitamin supplement pills for pets and crush one into his food every day.

Also eggs are good for hair.

is he scratching himself, shaking his head or rubbing his head against things? If yes, then I would suspect insect infestation (fleas) or an allergy. if he does that, you MUST take him to the vet, money or not.

If he behaves perfectly normal apart from losing hair, try to make his food more diverse and give him vitamins and he should be okay.

I have a german shorthair that licks on metal.and is losing hair on his ears. Is he missing some mineral??

More likely he's just missing some brain power. He's probably fine, just a little stupid.

I have a german shorthair that licks on metal.and is losing hair on his ears. Is he missing some mineral??

If it is an allergy to the metal itself, it would be a nickel or chromium allergy (I worked in a foundry). I found a link for you with someone asking a similar question.

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