Monday, November 16, 2009

Are dog is losing his hair and has bald spots that are really sore.And we have used everything on hi

We have a shepard dog n we don't know why he is losing his hair, and has really bad bald spots on him.We have tired all kinds of off the shelf medicine on him.His skin is dry at first then it is cracked and sore.We get one place on him cleared up then it will start someplace else.We thought it might be flea's.But we have not find none on him...anybody have any ideal?

thank you very much

Are dog is losing his hair and has bald spots that are really sore.And we have used everything on him.any idea

Take him to the vet.

Sounds like hot spots. They need to be treated!!!!!

Just giving him OTC treatments when it is not getting better is being an irresponsible pet owner!

Are dog is losing his hair and has bald spots that are really sore.And we have used everything on him.any idea

Take him to the vet. If they can't tell you anything take him to a different vet. Bald spots are not a good thing...

Are dog is losing his hair and has bald spots that are really sore.And we have used everything on him.any idea

um, take him to the vet. He could have some other disease. Hopefully they can treat him.

Are dog is losing his hair and has bald spots that are really sore.And we have used everything on him.any idea

I don't know but my cat had the same prob and died slowly. Get help somehow soon.

Are dog is losing his hair and has bald spots that are really sore.And we have used everything on him.any idea

Could be hot spots. Take him to your vet.He needs medicine for this if it is.

Are dog is losing his hair and has bald spots that are really sore.And we have used everything on him.any idea

It sounds like mange. You need to take him to the vet IMMEDIATELY.

If it looks like this, it is definitely mange.

Are dog is losing his hair and has bald spots that are really sore.And we have used everything on him.any idea

Could be mange. Could be ringworm. Could be a number of things. You absolutely need to get a professional opinion. He needs to go to the vet!

Are dog is losing his hair and has bald spots that are really sore.And we have used everything on him.any idea

maybe the mange ??see or call your vet.

Are dog is losing his hair and has bald spots that are really sore.And we have used everything on him.any idea

Your dog could be losing hair for a number of reasons, mostly mange, or nerves. Take your dog to a Veterinarian, please stop using over the counter medications intended for people. Even the stuff intended for animals can contain chemicals which can make the problem worse. Please, take your suffering pet to the doctor and let the Veterinarian help this animal. It is in misery.

Are dog is losing his hair and has bald spots that are really sore.And we have used everything on him.any idea

It sounds like mange, a skin condition that dogs get. You need proper medicine for the problem and you might have to put a cone on his head so he will leave it alone while it heals. But for goodness sake don't leave him suffering.

Are dog is losing his hair and has bald spots that are really sore.And we have used everything on him.any idea

There is a wide variety of skin issues that affect dogs (examples: staph infection, hot spots, ringworm, demodectic mange, sarcoptic mange, allergies, and many more). You need to carry your dog to the vet to have the problem properly diagnosed so that it can be treated with the proper medication. (If you don't know what the skin problem is, then how would you know what to use on it to clear it up?)

Time for a trip to the doctor for your furry friend!

J. Smith

Animal Control Officer

Are dog is losing his hair and has bald spots that are really sore.And we have used everything on him.any idea

Get a vet to check him out and take a biopsy off the sore spot, he might have a form of skin cancer!

Are dog is losing his hair and has bald spots that are really sore.And we have used everything on him.any idea

No idea what i could be... take your dog to the vet.. only they can really tell you what is wrong.. .. you can also try adding one raw egg to your dog's food in the morning, it may help.. other than that try getting some food that promotes a healthy coat.

... good luck =]

Are dog is losing his hair and has bald spots that are really sore.And we have used everything on him.any idea

You should use some stuff called Bag Bomb, its stuff my friend used for her dog that was getting fat and gettting bald spots

Are dog is losing his hair and has bald spots that are really sore.And we have used everything on him.any idea

my dog has the same problem she is losing hair because of fleas or it mit sled hair all dogs do that my dog is steal steding because of norves problem and she is scared all the time that mit be it.

Are dog is losing his hair and has bald spots that are really sore.And we have used everything on him.any idea

Could be any number of things -- there is no way for anyone on the internet to properly diagnose and offer legitimate treatment for this dog -- take it to the vet and get it real medical care -- to not do so when you know the dog is suffering is neglectful. He can actually get a systemic infection from the skin breaks and get septicemia and die... Likely the over the counter stuff is just going to make things worse. Until you get a diagnsis there is no way you will treat him properly. He could have mange, could have hypothyroidism, could have a fungal or staph infection, could be dying of cancer that has sapped his immune system or could have an allergy to fleas in all of these cases, nothing over the counter will help much.

Are dog is losing his hair and has bald spots that are really sore.And we have used everything on him.any idea

Could be an allergy to his food or anything around the home right now. Check the ingredients on his food bag. If the first one listed is corn or corm's not good for him. Corn is just a filler and it does dry out their skin. Try Pro-Plan or Purina One....the first ingredients are real meat. flea bite on your dog can cause this...even though the flea may not be on him now. Bath him good....use a conditioner and rinse it good. Use some spray ' Bactine ' or other antibiotic to put on him.

You might want to have a vet look at him to make sure it's not mange...which will cause hair loss.

Are dog is losing his hair and has bald spots that are really sore.And we have used everything on him.any idea

Take him to a vet.... you can always call a vet office for possible answers to your problems....they can usually give you a good idea what it might be and make you an appointment!!

Are dog is losing his hair and has bald spots that are really sore.And we have used everything on him.any idea

Take him to the Vet! Especially if it is sore to him then he is in pain. Wouldn't you rather take him to the Vet to find out what it is and get him some medication so he won't be painful? At the Vet's, they can do a skin scraping to see if it could be some type of mange. After they do the skin scraping they can look under the microscope to be sure. After that, they can send you home with some medication to clear it up easily. Sometimes it takes prescription strength medication to take care of the problem.

Are dog is losing his hair and has bald spots that are really sore.And we have used everything on him.any idea

I feel for this dog. We were in the same situation as you are in. the best thing is to stop giving him off the shelf medication. This can be making it worse. We found this out with our dog Cutty. We found out that he has skin problems. Allergies. This can be a number of things and the vet will do some blood work to see what it may all be. Your dog may have numerous problems. The best thing to do for your pet is take him to the vet. Once they find out what the problem or problems are they can help heal your pet. Make sure you stay on top of it. It can be deadly if you don閳ユ獩 take action now.

The vet gave our Cutty a shot of antibiotics, steroids, and a shot for allergies.

Good luck

Are dog is losing his hair and has bald spots that are really sore.And we have used everything on him.any idea

He needs to see a vet ASAP. It sounds like either ring worm or mange. Take him to the vet please

Are dog is losing his hair and has bald spots that are really sore.And we have used everything on him.any idea

Using off the shelf stuff was a bad idea I'm afraid. NO store-bought flea medication works. Pet stores aren't licensed to sell the proper chemicals for flea treatment - anything you find in store is just going to be a basic pesticide that you can't expect to work.

Probably using all sorts of stuff has dried his skin out!! Please stick to veterinary treatments only, like Frontline, Advantage or Revolution. These are safe, and they work. Check your dog for flea DIRTS rather than the actual fleas, they're easier to find - they look like black specks. Though if you've just bathed him, it will have washed them off.

There are other things that cause hair loss besides fleas. Please do not try any more treatments on the dog until you have taken him to a vet for advice, you're only making things worse.


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