I am a 20 year old something college student (the youngest in the family) who has recently lose several strands of hair per day. As such, is this natural or am I goin bald? None of my siblings is experiencing this.
My mother's side of the family have relatives who do not go bald(all of my mother's brothers and first cousins have a full head of hair.)
With that said, is this a natural phase of shedding, where hair will be replaced or am I losing my hair permenatly because of stress or any other factors that I do not know. I wish someone who knows about the subject would answer since I am very concern. Thanks
Is losing several strands of hair natural?
Most individuals lose anywhere from 20 to 200 hairs a day. Our heads do shed more hair at certain times of the year than others. My own personal observation is mine sheds more during the winter and summer months. But there are always quite a few in the drain every day when I shampoo.
Something happened to my brother if you are supposed to go by your mother's father. He has gone bald, and her father had a full head of hair when he passed. My father on the other hand, lost a great deal of his hair, and his father and most of his relatives were relatively bald.
Is losing several strands of hair natural?
i dont get it...do you see strands of hair randomly falling out? does a lot of hair come out when you run your hands/brush through it?
Is losing several strands of hair natural?
Hair loss up to about 100 strands per day is perfectly natural.
Is losing several strands of hair natural?
It is normal to use a bunch of hairs a day, but I can't remember the number. You are suppose to go by your mother's father as to whether or not you will go bald. I don't know if this is true though. Good luck!!
Is losing several strands of hair natural?
I've been experiencing the same thing, and I'm convinced I'm going to end up bald in 20 or 30 years.
From what I understand, and there are many factors that contribute to balding or greying - genetics, diet, and hair products mainly. You could also have skin problems or a disease like diabetes. Stress, interestingly, is not one of the primary causes of hair loss or greying.
Try eating healthier - foods with higher contents of protein and vitamins (esp. A, B, C, E, and K), and you may even consider taking vitamin supplements. Change to a different gentler kind of shampoo, and avoid using dyes, gels, or mousse. Also try using a brush or comb with wider tooth-gaps. If all else fails, try Rogaine.
I don't know what else to tell you. Hopefully by the time we're older medical technology will offer a better solution.
Is losing several strands of hair natural?
Let me tell you about my personal experience. When I was ~19 I started to lose a lot of hair suddenly, and did not understand why. A lot of my uncles are bald, too; so I thought that I was doomed for the same bald fate. However, as soon as I changed shampoos from 'Herbal Essence' to something else, I stopped losing hair. It took me almost a year to realize this, so I have a little receding hair line now. [actually it was strictly because of 'Herbal Essence' that I started losing hair] This hair never grew back even when I changed shampoos. I am 28 now; at least as soon as I changed shampoo's it stopped falling. Baldness is not completely genetic. Diet, rest, and the materials used for washing have a LOT to do with it. So currently I use a tea tree shampoo for dandruff problems that seems to be fine with respect to hair loss. From my experience, viscous shampoos cause more hair loss, and I generally prefer creamy types (although the tea trea shampoo that I use works fine in both regular and conditioner included form).
Unfortunately, I am not sure what kind of foods are particularly good. I would research into the structural molecules that hair is composed of (keratins ?) and research what biomolecules generate them best if you are super concerned. For me, changing shampoos was all the change that was needed.
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