Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My 5 month old dog is losing hair on his legs and is chewing on those areas what is wrong with him?

First have him checked out by a vet. If there is no medical cause then you should hire a competent dog trainer. I've had several cases where dogs were self-mutilating due to stress caused by well meaning but clueless owners.

My 5 month old dog is losing hair on his legs and is chewing on those areas what is wrong with him?

He is being bit by fleas.

My 5 month old dog is losing hair on his legs and is chewing on those areas what is wrong with him?

He probably has a flea allergy...Get him to a vet...get some meds for him....and relieve him of the irritation that he is enduring. Poor thing!

My 5 month old dog is losing hair on his legs and is chewing on those areas what is wrong with him?

it could several things-fleas-mange-allergys. he needs to see a to find out and treat.

My 5 month old dog is losing hair on his legs and is chewing on those areas what is wrong with him?

I think he has a rash or a bug under or on his skin that is really bothering him so i think you should bring him to the vet to see what is really is the problem

My 5 month old dog is losing hair on his legs and is chewing on those areas what is wrong with him?

It could also be a food allergy. Many dogs are allergic to one or more ingredient in dog food. Most common allergies are: soy, corn (ground or gluten), wheat (ground or gluten).

Take your puppy to the vet for a thurough exam. If it isn't fleas try changing his diet.

In the meantime add 1 fish oil capsule to his food every day. If you can't get that add 1 teaspoon for a small breed, 2 teaspoons for a large breed of olive oil to his food.

My 5 month old dog is losing hair on his legs and is chewing on those areas what is wrong with him?

My 5 month old dog is losing hair on his legs and is chewing on those areas what is wrong with him?

could be a # of things flea bites, dry skin allergies, u really need to seek pro advice, to be able to clear this up and to find exactly what it is that is wrong, before he destroys any more of the affected areas by chewing, and biting, the vet will upon examination be able to remedy this poor little guy, go asap good luck

My 5 month old dog is losing hair on his legs and is chewing on those areas what is wrong with him?

Could be a few things. Mange allergies some immune disease. Take him to a vet.

My 5 month old dog is losing hair on his legs and is chewing on those areas what is wrong with him?

he probably has the mange

put some used motor oil all over the bad spot

thios will do two thangs

stop the licking

and seal the bad area from bugs

after that he should have a full recovery

My 5 month old dog is losing hair on his legs and is chewing on those areas what is wrong with him?

I'm assuming your dog is biting those areas raw too? my cat gets those, if your dogs does, it's called hot-spots. it's possibly an allergy, you probibly won't need meds, just put neosporen on it(and get a flea collar if fleas are present), but just to be safe if it dosn't go away/improve in a few days, take the pup to the vet.

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